I’ve gone Delta
My new favorite cheap 3d printer FLSun Q5 Standard print speed is 60mm/s but it can print at up to 150mm/s, that is crazy fast. Heated bed that goes up to 110 C. Titan extruder not a problem for those pesky flexy filaments. Automatic bed levelling, color touch screen and silent upgradeable TMC2208 Stepper drivers. Did I mention out of the box it’s really easy to assemble and you’ll probably be printing 10 minutes later. Did I mention there is only one size of screw for everything during assembly!! There are only 2 drawbacks that I have found so far with this printer, the first is the fact that of the 4 drivers used, the one for the extruder makes more noise than the ones used on the XY&Z. The manufacturer claims that the extruder driver is a 4988 because the extruder requires more force. The 3 axes use the silent 2208 drivers. the second thing is that the fans are a bit loud (just like the Ender 3 Pro) but that can be fixed by replacing the fans with hi quality low noise ones.
Have you made any upgrades yet? I’ve just ordered mine and after upgrading my Ender 3 to it being near silent, I know I’ll want to do the same with this! Any idea what voltage and size the fans are? Thanks!
The first thing I did was move the filament holder off of the top of the machine. I also added some braces near the base. Added a remote sd Card socket because the original one is kind of behind the printer. I’ll post a couple of pictures in a minute. Unfortunately I haven’t found much on Thingiverse for this printer yet.
The fans are 24 volt I think not sure of the sizes, most standard fans you find are 12v or 5v but you can just use a voltage regulator.
Hi, do you can said me where can i download the original files of SD Card of FLSUN Q5 ? Thanks
Not at the moment but try searching for the Facebook group for the Q5 and ask there, I’m sure someone will be able to send them to you. Unfortunately I don’t have access for the next 15 days.
There’s a Facebook Group fo FLSUN (QQ and Q5 etc.)
There you can download irmware upgrades (if necessary) and other stuff.
But ususally you only need Cura for slicing and on the orginal SD Card is only a very old version.
Simply download CURA newest version and there use FLSUN QQ config (renaming it to Q5 to avoid confusion) and change max X,Y,Z to 200 mm (because QQ has a bigger build size).