Month: January 2021
Dragon Phone Stand
Dragon phone stand I printed for my phone. You can purchase the STL from @McGybeer directly Here.
New Raspberry Pico $4
Probably means that in Italy it will cost €15 but it is a dual core CPU running on Raspberry silicone....
Back in the Day
When work was fun!!! Electric cloche repair Mobile Workshop ASA Good Times Time to cause some damage
Old School Cool
My heavily modified G4 Cube with dual 500Mhz processors and custom paint. the dual processors with my experimental gold foil...
Newton Phone
A collaboration between Newton and Siemens I present you with my old Newton phone combo known as the Siemens Notephone.
Pebble Steel
Pebble Steel in my opinion the best smart watch ever made, especially the first version with the black and white...
Playing with Bismuth
Bismuth is very is next to lead on the periodic table and is almost as dense with a low melting...
Lamy All-Star EMR
I'm using the Lamy all star with my reMarkable but with the original rM tips because the All - Star...